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Safed Chandan Mala

Safed Chandan Mala

Safed Chandan Mala

  • ₹180.00

  • Ex Tax : ₹180.00

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Chandan Mala is used in all kinds of rituals, can be used in chanting vedic mantras, It is widely worn on the neck or the hand. It also has many health benefits such as the healing aroma of sandalwood which helps your mind stay calm, relaxed, and stress-free and also to ease various ailments of the digestive system. Sandalwood is very good for stress relief when combined with the fragrance of lavender. It is believed that sandalwood also increases energy levels and enthusiasm in your body after chanting mantras or Naam Japa of Gods in the Hindu Mythology. It is made up of 108 beads.
It is widely believed that the sandalwood scent can stimulate sensuality, grant a sense of awareness, invoke tranquility, awaken the divine thoughts within and promote profound relaxation
Sandalwood is particularly good for stress relief, especially when combined with lavender
It is also believed that burning sandalwood near your door welcomes your guests and attunes them to your home
You can use the healing aroma of sandalwood to promote feelings of peace and serenity and also to ease various ailments of the digestive system
This rosary accumulates positive energy around you and removes the negativities of the mind.

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